Rotary tools


Rotary tools are extremely technological devices used in high- and ultra-high pressure water-jets systems. The whole series features the rotation of the final part (multi-jets head) at high speed through an integrated high torque pneumatic motor.
The selection of the most suitable speed, together with a series of dedicated heads with multi-jets seat (2-9 jets) and multi-orbital geometry, allows for specific results according to the use. These tools prove to be extremely efficient and performing for careful surface preparation with a wide range of uses: cleaning, selective removal, stripping, etc.
Manual versions, provided of remote control activation and use, prove to be extremely safe also thanks to dual control. Automatic versions are appropriate for automated uses with employment with robots or controlled axis systems.

    • General technical features:
  • extremely heavy-duty design
  • parts in contact with the material are in particular metals and hardened steels
  • watertight revolving joint for ultra-high pressure
  • countless revolving speed levels through a integrated motor
  • remote activation with dual control safety device
  • multi-jets seat heads with multi-orbital geometry

Numerous types for the most diversified applications are available, contact our technical service for identification and technical specifications.

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