Application Benefits of Airmation Technology:
Speed and efficiency: one pass is enough to restore the surface
Gentleness: the natural stone beneath is normally not altered
Versatility: depending on the type of stone and the level of dirt, power and rotation speed can be adjusted to the minimum value necessary to remove deposits.
Ecology: which often also means cost-effectiveness, as no chemicals are used and only network water and air are released.
Normally, the equipment can operate on any type of surface coating, as long as it is properly adjusted in power, to selectively remove only dirt, impurities, and surface sediments (including rubber residues or graffiti on the ground).
The solution developed is based on the exclusive use of only network water and compressed air. A mobile unit equipped with all the necessary components provides energy to special motorized rotating guns that emit a relatively small amount of water, at extremely high pressure and rotation, capable of removing any deposit or impurity when it impacts any surface at close range.
More specifically, the support technology of Airmation ultra-rotating tools (Airmation Fine Jets manual or automatic series) splits the cleaning force into multiple high-energy, low-mass micro-jets.
The applied rotation produces a rotating, abrasive impression, maximally efficient, which allows for gentle or more energetic cleaning of the surface depending on the removal specifics. Normally, only small amounts of water are sufficient for great efficiency.
This application specificity comes from a highly advanced technology currently used by Airmation for precise industrial cleaning processes, rubber removal from metal surfaces, and generally in processes requiring the careful preparation of very sensitive parts.